Vida dunha fábrica, IES O Mosteirón (Sada). Cine en curso Galicia 2013-2014 from Cinema en curs on Vimeo.
Visit to Sargadelos factory
Sargadelos pottery is one of the most appreciated in the world. As common for most Galicians and yet so international, was founded in 1806 by Antonio Raimundo Ibanez.
We’ve already visited their factory of O Castro in Sada, during our Easter Holidays. This factory was established in 1970 in the contemporary stage of the Sargadelos group and there you can visit their galleries, the ceramics factory and the museum of contemporary art Carlos Maeside (though it was closed yesterday).
The factory tour is very simple, you just follow a path marked on the floor as you can observe how wonderful pieces are made around you. You can watch a short film at the end of this post made by students in the fourth year of ESO IES O Mosteirón (Sada) which shows perfectly the manufacturing process and you can know a little more about the great craftsmen working in this factory, many of whom have devoted their lives to this occupation.
In 2013 Sargadelos suffered an ERE by which 40% of their workers were fired. There have been online actions in support of Sargadelos with the hashtag #PonunSargadelosentuvida (promoted by Enric Pastor). So now more that ever we have to claim the Spanish crafts, Sargadelos pottery manufacture is in serious trouble and we just can’t let it die.