Mooi magazine, a magazine for daydreaming

Mooi Magazine 0

Today I’m going to talk about a magazine made with the heart. Mooi Magazine is the project of two dreamers called Matilda and Martin, who along with other partners supports small creative projects and invites to think, feel and act.

They are brave and admirable people. I read recently that “the world belongs to the brave” and that world is the one I want to belong too. As they say “Life is too short to ‘waste it’ with the wrong work and the wrong life”.

And that is what you can breathe from every page of the first paper issue in which we had the honor to be featured.

They are currently preparing the next issue of the magazine due out in spring. Although you can still find a copy of number 0 in their online store. This number can also be read online, but it’s worth reading it on paper, turn its pages and enjoy its excellent edition.

Also this weekend Carmen, Mooi magazine contributor and author of Mi Low Cost Blog, is giving away a copy in her Facebook page. You can find all the information here.

Matilda and Martín Mooi Magazine by Almu Ruiz

Photos by Gemma Espinosa Rubirroja 

Mooi Magazine 0 Rubirroja

Xianna in Mooi Magazine 0

Olivia Soaps in Mooi Magazine 0

Anthologie de Papier in Mooi Magazine 0

Mooi Magazine 0 by Rubirroja

Mooi Magazine 0 cover by Almu Ruiz

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